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Visitors 65
Modified 21-May-16
Created 7-Jun-15

Order montages from Wellesley Theatre Project shows here! All products are $25 each.

Click the "Select Photos" button on the right, and click the thumbnail for each montage you would like to purchase.

Click the buy button when ready to check out. You will be notified by email when products are ready for pick up at the WTP Studio, so be sure to leave your email address. Contact [email protected] with any questions.

Honk Montage

Honk Montage

101 Dalmatians Montage

101 Dalmatians Montage

Urinetown Montage

Urinetown Montage

Oklahoma! Montage

Oklahoma! Montage

Addams Family Montage

Addams Family Montage

Guys and Dolls Montage

Guys and Dolls Montage

Bugsy Malone - Wednesday Cast Montage

Bugsy Malone - Wednesday Cast Montage

Bugsy Malone - Friday Cast Montage

Bugsy Malone - Friday Cast Montage

Personal Montage

Personal Montage